Phenomenal Kids Awards
IDxvYmplY3QgZGF0YT1odHRwczovL2dpdmVidXR0ZXIuY29tLzc2TEp1MiB3aWR0aDdNjUwyBoZWlnaHQ9TUwMM+IDxlbWJlZCBzcmM9aHR0cHM6Ly9naXZlYnV0dGVyLmNvbS83NkxKdTIgd2lkdGg9TY1MMgaGVpZ2h0P01MDzPiA8L2VtYmVkPjwvb2JqZWN0Pg== A platform for amazing Scholars, Athletes, Innovators, and Entreprenuers, we plan to help build a stronger community, uplift the great things our youth are accomplishing, offer valuable skills and information that will encourage individual and community growth, while continuing to push the culture forward by controlling our narrative.